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School of the Natural Order


"The I AM, which is my True Self, is the Power with which I am conscious of my world." -Vitvan


A.K. Mozumdar (1864-1953) was one of India's greatest teachers.
After immigrating to America in 1903 he spent the rest of his lifetime lecturing,
teaching and writing. His teachings provide a simple but dynamic way
to achieve oneness with your innate divinity and his many books show students
how to utilize some basic concepts to achieve mastery over life's circumstances —
so that the individual is in control of his or her own destiny. This is truly "Master Metaphysics."

Mozumdar was Vitvan's main teacher.




New Dimensions Radio Website


Esalen Institute Website

The Dreamed and the Dreamer

© Jim Harter 1985

Wisdom Network
Wisdom Network Link


Rebecca Hanna, our newest Life As A Waking Dream teacher. Visit
her website at


A Healing Place of Love, Light, Wisdom and Conscious Evolution. A place where your heart can sing.

Celebrate Women's Voices Book Fair
Voices to inspire anytime, anyplace!
hosted by Online Radio





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