EMERGING MAGAZINE A semiannual publication for the sponsors of Teleos Institute, presenting articles to stimulate growth in consciousness, letters and other sharings from participants in Teleos Institute programs, news from Arleen Lorrance and Diane Pike, and announcements of upcoming program offerings. Not sold on newsstands. To receive a sample copy, click here BOOKS
Books on Personal and Spiritual Growth
THEATRE OF LIFE: In this book you will come to know who you really
are and how to exercise creative jurisdiction over your self. You will
find the tools to create your own life role consciously. You will be urged
to integrate body, mind, spirit, and feelings and to discover your life
purpose. Books by Diane Kennedy Pike
LIFE AS A WAKING DREAM An introduction to an original technique that
guides people in deciphering the hidden messages of "waking dreams." A way
to tap into the wisdom and insight revealed by the experiences of everyday
Yin, Yang and You: The Forces of Co-Creation
This book introduces readers to the yin and yang
forces so that they can work consciously with them to become agents of
co-creation in their own lives and in the world around them.
HOUSE OF SELF Get to know yourself in a new way: as an energy being in an energy world This book provides words, concepts, and images for individuals who are learning to function in the energy world, the dynamic reality “behind” our objective images of what is. It will help you build the courage to stand alone, if need be, confident in your own knowing. Eventually you will be so whole and complete in yourself that you will know, at once, your uniqueness and your oneness with All that Is and All who Are. [ Paper, 246 pages, $16.95]
AWAKENING TO WISDOM In Part One of this book, Diane Kennedy Pike, writing as Mariamne Paulus, presents an overview of the Wisdom Teachings which, through the ages, have offered answers to the basic questions of life in what is often called the Sacred Science. Based on the perceptions of seers who stand in the energy world and describe what they see, the Wisdom Teachings describe the nature of both God and humanity, the structure of the universe, the purpose of human life, and the laws and principles at work in both cosmos and humanity. Part Two describes the journey of expanding
consciousness that individuals undertake when they test out the Wisdom
Teachings through their own direct experience. You will be able to
identify your current phase of unfolding and find how to encourage the
natural process of growth already underway within you. Awakening to Wisdom
provides a compelling introduction to a study of the Wisdom Teachings as
well as a clear and practical orientation to the process of awakening that
Seekers undergo.
FOUR PATHS TO UNION A presentation of the Paths of
Devotion, Action, Contemplation and Self-Mastery,
COSMIC UNFOLDMENT: THE INDIVIDUALIZING PROCESS Describes the various stages by which individuals
awaken and recognize their inherent divinity, Biographical Sharings in Books:
by Love
This memoir reveals intimate details of their lives and work together. It
contains vivid examples of how they lived the Love Principles,
including Be the Change, and Problems are
Opportunities. They thrived because they had No
Expectations, because they Received All People as Beautiful, and because they
Provided Others with Opportunities to Give.
WITHOUT FEAR This inspiring
chronicle of one woman’s experience with breast cancer will speak to
anyone who is faced with a serious health challenge. The book includes her
reflections every step of the way through the mastectomy and
reconstruction as well as responses by others who shared their own
JOURNEY INTO SELF, PHASE ONE Pike Diane’s spiritual autobiography through her
34th year, sharing her movement from
BORN OF LOVE A poetic tale of birthing, becoming and being in
which Arleen describes her conscious
TRANSFORMATION OF HUMANITY Here is a book of hope for humanity! A vision
of a coming transformation in which we will lift to the next level of
our potential with a focus on creativity and excellence.
JAFFE: AN ACTOR OF CHARACTER The inspiring and comprehensive life story of
actor Sam Jaffe whose life of integrity and conviction is an inspiration
for all of us who seek to embody our highest and best.
MUSINGS FOR MEDITATION A sprightly and thought-provoking book of
insights and brief essays on life. IMAGES A book of poetry offering food for the soul
through images of Self, of Relationship, of God, of Day, of Season, and of
TWO Nan Wallace, outraged by her minister's sexual
indiscretions, struggles to understand why he suffers no consequences. Her
anger ignites a quest to discover the true relationship between good and
evil. Nan and her best friend Martha make a series of conscious choices
that throw their friendship, their marriages, and the world around them
into chaos Surprising twists and turns in the plot challenge the reader to
acknowledge that all human beings are capable of all things. |
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