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THE LOVE PRINCIPLES, by Arleen Lorrance. A broad, practical exploration of the transformational power of unconditional love. Emphasizes the importance of using all the principles together. [Trade Paper, 212 pp.]


THE LOVE PROJECT, by Arleen Lorrance. The story of how The Love Project began in a ghetto high school in Brooklyn, New York. [Paper, 103 pp.]



WHY ME?  HOW TO HEAL WHAT’S HURTING YOU, by Arleen Lorrance. A book of hope, inspiration and help, enabling the reader to set healing energy in motion through a carefully delineated process. Applicable to physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual conditions of dis-ease. [Hardcover, 186 pp.]


LIFE IS VICTORIOUS! HOW TO GROW THROUGH GRIEF, by Diane Kennedy Pike. A detailed account of one person’s experience of grief following the death of her husband, offered as an ex­ample of how persons can make positive responses to difficult — even tragic — circumstances in their own lives. [Hardcover, 209 pp.]


INDIA THROUGH EYES OF LOVE, by Arleen Lorrance. The story of an ad­ven­ture into the heart of Self while traveling for four weeks in India and Nepal, practicing re­leasing private world images of what should be in order to see what is. [Paper, 154 pp.]



A TRANSFORMATION OF HUMANITY, by Arleen Lorrance. Here is a book of hope for humanity! A vision of a coming transformation in which we will lift to the next level of our potential with a focus on creativity and excellence. We will replace hate and division with love and unity as we come to know we are One Being. [Paper, 221 pp.]


 The Theatre of Life: Exercising Creative Jurisdiction Over Self
by Arleen Lorrance


    Yin, Yang and You:  The Forces of
by Mariamne Paulus (DKP)

               This book introduces readers to the yin and yang forces so that they can work consciously with them to become agents of co-creation in their own lives and in the world around them. [Paper, 164 pp.]



    THE HOUSE OF SELF by Mariamne Paulus (DKP)

              Provides words, concepts, and images for individuals who are learning to function in the energy world. Describes the structure and function of the individual’s energy field. [Paper, 246 pp.]


Revised and Expanded
An introduction to an original technique that guides people in deciphering the hidden messages of "waking dreams." A way to tap into the wisdom and insight revealed by the experiences of everyday life. [Trade Paper, 322 pp.]


AWAKENING TO WISDOM,by Mariamne Paulus (DKP) Awakening to Wisdom provides a compelling introduction to a study of the Wisdom Teachings as well as a clear and practical orientation to the process of awakening that Seekers undergo. [Paper, 173 pp.]


FOUR PATHS TO UNION,  by Mariamne Paulus (DKP) A presentation of the paths of devotion, action, contemplation, and self-mastery as individualized approaches to the quest for meaning, for purpose, for a worthy cause or leader, or for self-knowledge. [Trade Paper, 264 pp.]


COSMIC  UNFOLDMENT:   THE INDIVIDUALIZING PROCESS AS MIRRORED IN THE LIFE OF JESUS, by Diane Kennedy Pike. Describes the various stages by which individuals awaken and recognize their inherent divinity, utilizing key Biblical passages to il­lustrate each phase. [Paper, 99 pp.]


THE TWO, by Arleen Lorrance. This compelling novel, a spiritual thriller, explores whether good and evil are equal. Surprising twists and turns in the plot challenge the reader to acknowledge that all human beings are capable of all things. [Paper, 492 pp.]


Empowered by Love by Arleen Lorrance and Diane Kennedy Pike.  This memoir reveals intimate details of their lives and work together. They lived the Love Principles, including Be the Change, and Problems are Opportunities. They thrived because they had No Expectations, because they Received All People as Beautiful, and because they Provided Others with Opportunities to Give.
[Paper, 465 pp.]


Facing Cancer Without Fear, by Arleen Lorrance.  This inspiring chronicle of one woman’s experience with breast cancer will speak to anyone who is faced with a serious health challenge.[ Paper, 280 pp.]


MY JOURNEY INTO SELF, PHASE ONE, by Diane Kennedy Pike. Diane’s spiritual autobiography through her 34th year, sharing her movement from devout Christian belief about God into cosmic knowing of what Is. [Paper, 161 pp.]


SEARCH, by Diane Kennedy Pike
This book is the account of the 1969 trip into the Judean Wilderness made by Diane and her husband, the late Bishop James A Pike
[Paper, 198 pp.]


BORN OF LOVE, by Arleen Lorrance. A poetic tale of birthing, be­com­ing and being in which Arleen describes her con­scious choice to give her child-within the experience of being born of Love to a new mother, thus healing a wound in her own psyche. [Illustrated] [Paper, 175 pp.]


A TRANSFORMATION OF HUMANITY, By Arleen Lorrance Here is a book of hope for humanity! A vision of a coming transformation in which we will lift to the next level of our potential with a focus on creativity and excellence. 
[Paper,  332 pages $19.95; $9.99 for Kindle version]

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MUSINGS FOR MEDITATION, by Arleen Lorrance. A sprightly and thought-provoking book  of insights and brief essays on life. [Paper, 174 pp.]


IMAGES, by Arleen Lorrance. A book of poetry offer­ing food for the soul through images of Self, of Relationship, of God, of Day, of Season, and of Wisdom. [Paper, 82 pp.]


By Arleen Lorrance

             The inspiring and comprehensive life story of actor Sam Jaffe whose life of integrity and conviction is an inspiration for all of us who seek to embody our highest and best. [Paper, 560, $29.95]



WALLET-SIZE CARDS, listing The Love Principles.




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